This Blog, Messianic Midrash, is a collection of my thoughts on the weekly Torah Parasha, as well as other doctrinal issues that I come across as I research, meditate upon, and compose Drash and various Messages.
I must also give credit to my amazing fellow Researchers and "Midrashim," whom I study with. Together, we have experienced incredible discoveries over the years while investigating various topics as a Research Team.
"Messianic" is a term used to describe the Jewish Hope in Messiah. Believe it or not, some Jews have come to believe that Yeshua (Who some refer to as "Jesus") is the Messiah of Israel. In fact, this is where this whole thing that is called "Christianity" today began.
In spite of the common misconception, this does not make one a "Christian," per se. Although the fundamentals of our Salvation are based upon the same foundational principle, we are Jews that base the authority of our Faith upon Scripture, through the Revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach.
As well, although the "Opinion" of Rabbinical Judaism is that we are "Christian," the Truth is that we have every Scriptural Right to remain within our God-Given (Not Man-Given) identity as Jews.
You must also understand that there are "Christians," and "Messianic Believing Non-Jews" who feel lead to search the Scriptures together with us. All are welcome.
To make this as simple as possible, and to help illustrate that this is a case where semantics do matter, "Messianic" is the Hebraic foundation of where the term "Christianity" is derived from. Where the semantics come into play is that "Christianity" has come to illustrate a particular vein of theology that does not necessarily reflect its Hebraic Origin. To further understand the differences and similarities, will require your participation in the Midrash (Investigation). You are welcome to come and join us.
Therefore, let us work out our Salvation with Reverence and Grace, as we grow into maturity in Faith together.
Midrash is a term used to describe the "Investigation" of Scripture, and the composition of thoughts derived from that Study.
A Drash is a short summery of the Investigation, which is then presented to a group for the purpose of provoking discussion and further research on the topic.
A Message is much like a Drash, but goes into more detail on how these conclusions were drawn, and it is delivered in a more polished fashion, converging upon a suggested Conclusion, and a Spiritual Challenge.
Messianic Midrash is a Blog displaying the Short Drash, and Messages that I have delivered in the past, as well as those that I have prepare for the future.
My objective is not to establish doctrine, as learning is an ongoing endeavour. The objective is to question our present understandings in order to help solidify our Faith on Truth, rather than upon theological assumptions.
Accepting Theology upon the premise of "Faith," is not Faith. Faith in Hebrew Thought is "Emunah" (Faith in Action). This would depict an active pursuit of understanding, rather than an acceptance upon ignorance. There is a Big Difference. "Emunah" - Faith means that since you "Believe," you actively pursue to be intimate with God's Word. It is not enough to "Believe" without understanding. The World is filled with People who have "Faith" in false gods, and erroneous doctrine. We are called to be like the Bereans of Acts 17:11:
"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
However, there is another level to understanding that must be exercised, and that is "Application." Meaning that, filling our heads with knowledge without applying that knowledge is not "Understanding." Understanding, in Hebrew thought, is rooted in the word "Banah." (To Build). It refers to putting your knowledge to work and do (build). As Rav Jacov (James) taught:
"But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?" - James 2:20
Therefore, we work together as a Team to Research, and to challenge the conventions, continually checking our bearings so that our focus is still upon the goal... The Truth within His Word.
With this being stated, I must add one more point about the Midrash. The Beth Midrash is a group effort.
"Beth Midrash" means House of Investigative Study. Here Students of the Scripture come together to discuss their thoughts and findings.
Keep in mind, doctrine is not taught, but rather discovered. Meaning that this is not a class, but a place of discussion. The only thing taught is HOW to look at the Scriptures, so that discovery is encouraged, and that this discovery and experience remains within the structure, and is supported by The Word of God.
In these Midrash sessions, we work out our Salvation with 'reverence,' but combined with a lot of comedic relief as well. We are human after all. We are not a group of overly educated Theologians, but rather a group of "somewhat" educated Believers, who simply have a love for the deeper understanding of God's Word, and we dedicate our time to "Digging Deeper." We encourage you to join us, just remember to bring your "Shovel."
It is my belief that this is where many Congregations (Communities) have gone astray. Today, many Churches are filled with people practicing a passive form a Faith, listening to the words of the Pastors, and proclaiming "Amens," without question, or in depth challenge to the content. We must take the initiative to hold our Leaders accountable to what they teach, but in order to do this, we must be intimate with His Word.
This is where the Beth Midrash comes into play. The Beth Midrash is needed to allow the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) that brings us into Unity, to be a witness to this experience of common revelation. As we study individually, asking for The LORD's guidance, and then come together sharing our discoveries, we experience this unity. When we ask questions, and share together as a Kehielah (Community), we help each other as Iron sharpens Iron, to forge our doctrine.
The greatest experience of Midrash is to leave "Religion" behind, allowing The LORD to be our Teacher, that by His Ruach, through openness and honestly, and with an attitude "To Learn," then we will grow together in Unity of Understanding.
The prime directive of the Midrash is: "As long as you agree that our conclusions are based upon Scripture, then Come; let us reason together."
Personally, my greatest experience in Midrash, and what brought me back to the table was walking into the Beth Midrash with my doctrine drawn and ready for action, only to walk out having a completely different understanding. This only works, when the individual has come "To Learn," regardless of preconceived theology. Midrash is not meant to shake your foundations, although it will. In the end, it is meant to strengthen your foundation, by making sure that it is tied into "HaYesod," (The Foundation) which is the Word of God - His Torah (Instruction).
Feel free to contact me, if you have questions or are interested in joining. You may email me at or call 204 330 6242.
Thank You for Reading and Blessings in Messiah Yeshua Adoneinu.