Go and Sin No More

We have assembled here today to participate in, and observe, this most ancient of Mo'ed prescribed by YHVH.  This is not a "Jewish" Holiday.  It is a Day given by HaShem by His Word, which is found within Leviticus 16:29:

And it shall be a statute for ever unto you: in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls, and shall do no manner of work, the home-born, or the stranger that sojourneth among you.

You see, He mentions you, "The Ger among you."  Again, this is not a "Jewish Holiday."  This is a YHVH Holy Day.

It is called "Yom Kippur," or "Yom Kippurim."  This means "Day of Atonement." 

Today is the Day made Kadosh by YHVH, set apart for the purpose to afflict ourselves, to search within ourselves of who we really are, and what we really want in regards to our relationship with Him, but more specifically, what He wants from us in this relationship.  We need to be honest with ourselves, and be honest with The LORD.  Therefore ask yourself, "Why am I here, here observing this Day with the People of Israel?"

We are told by Christian Theology today that we no longer need to do this, and that this practice was an ancient ritual performed by the Jews, and this was how God dealt with Sin, in the past.  However, today, and for the past 2000 years, since the coming of Christ, we no longer need to do this.  This ritual, this ceremony, was a part of the Old Testament, and we now live within the New Testament.  Therefore it has become obsolete through Christ.

Really?  What was the first part of that verse in Leviticus 16:29?  

Oh yeah - "And it shall be a statute for ever unto you" and what was that last part?  This was only for "The Jews?"


"The home-born, or the stranger that sojourneth among you."

In spite what Theology states, The Word of God says nothing about "The Jews," or a "Jewish Holiday."  In fact, it is only Theology that states this misconception.  Perhaps we may need to look deeper into The Word of God, and leave Theology to The Theologians...  Perhaps they may have a little more work to do.

Now, I'm not really pointing the finger, because I used to believe this way too, until I became intimate with God's Word, and could differentiate Scripture from Theology.  In fact, this is an ongoing process, and I'm still learning how to do this.  

By the Way, you are welcome to come Midrash with us any time.

You see, a good lie is not something that is blatantly a lie.  Although it sounds ironic, a good lie sounds more probable than not.  A good lie is build premise upon premise, until we no longer see the initial intent, separating us so far from The Original Truth, that we stop asking the questions, and the lie becomes "The Truth."

This lie that many Christians accept today is build premise upon premise, for the past 2000 years.  This lie is that we no longer need to observe this, because it's a thing of the past.

The initial premise appears legitimate; "Due to Jesus' sacrifice, we no longer need this.  We have something Greater." 

This idea is built upon quoting the words of Paul.  

Paul was right in all that he wrote regarding the nature of The Law, and the Concept of The New Covenant.  The problem isn't Paul.  The problem is with us.  We have taken Paul's statements, and misconstrued them to mean something that he did not mean.

I pointed this out in the Message on Shabbat a couple weeks ago, regarding Paul's continued observance of The Law in Acts Chapter 21, where the Kehielah requested that he complete a vow to demonstrate his steadfast observance of God's Word - The Torah.  

I've heard certain Preachers Teach that Paul was coaxed into doing this, and he gave into the Pressure of the Religious Jews.  Paul - Gave in - To Pressure?  Paul, "The Apostle?"  Gave in to Pressure...  I ask, have these teachers even read the Bible?

Obviously, they did not know Paul very well, or it is blatant that they have completely misread Paul.  If Paul, gave into pressure, his actions would have been misleading to other Believers, and this would be upon Paul's head.  

His actions would have made him to be a liar, if this were the case.  Paul did it, because Paul realized that even within HIS DAY, his words had already been misused to misrepresent his Theological position.  Paul observed The Law, because Paul understood The Law, and why he was doing it, opposed to following The Law for the sake of Righteous Merit.

Let me point out something to you that may or may not come as a shock to those who still hold to this idea that, "The Law is done away with."  Let's once again look at Today's Haftarah reading, Isaiah 58:13-14

13 If thou turn away thy foot because of the sabbath, from pursuing thy business on My holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, and the holy of the LORD honourable; and shalt honour it, not doing thy wonted ways, nor pursuing thy business, nor speaking thereof; 14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD, and I will make thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and I will feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father; for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. {P}

“The Mouth of THE LORD has spoken it.”

The very thing that God is asking Israel to do, The Church is teaching against, and perpetuating the lie that is keeping Israel from T'shuva (Repenting) and having that Relationship with Our God.  The LORD is saying, “Israel - Return to Me and My Torah,” and the Church says "That's all OLD NEWS."  

What a Paradox?

We all need to return to The Word of God for our direction, and let the Blind lead the Blind.

This premise that God has done away with The Law, is based on a weak foundation, and formed upon little thought within the context of Scripture.  Paul said that he put away childish things, perhaps so should Theology.  It's time to grow up, and make T'shuva and Return to the Word of God for our understanding.

My point is that we need to Repent and dig down, layer by layer, looking at His Word, for what it really says, and not depending upon Theology to determine our Path.  If we do not do this, then we are no better than the Rabbis that we point our fingers at crying "Hypocrites!"

This is the Day that we renew our Covenant with HaShem, and reactivate that motive in our heart that DESIRES for God and the Things of God.  This is the Day that we repent of our waywardness of pursuing the things of this world, rather than the Higher Calling which is His Heart.

This is the Day that He has Chosen.  Today, is the Day of Atonement.

As we begin this Journey back to the Heart of the LORD's intent, let's ask ourselves the most obvious question: 

What does Atonement mean?

Atonement in Hebrew is Kippur, spelt: Kaf - Pey - Vav - Resh - This Paleo interpretation would be "The Hand that Covers the Mouth and The Head."

Now, I am telling you about the Ancient Hebrew picture, because I believe that this is where the Thought Image of any Hebrew Concept should begin.  Therefore, again "The Hand that Covers the Mouth and The Head."  Kippur.

Keep that image in your mind, as you meditate upon this concept.

Kippur or Atonement literally means: "To Cover."

The question is, what is being "Covered," the Sin?  

The Mouth and the Head.  It is our Pride.  This is again, about attitude.  The Mind thinks up vanities and the Mouth expels them.  Therefore, cover them up and focus your mind upon the Things of YHVH, and your mouth upon His Praises - Hallelujah!  THIS is the meaning of this day.

The Next clue in this Mystery is a word found in Leviticus 16:29 where we get the Command to Observe Yom Kippur. 

The Word is T'annu "To Afflict" ourselves.  This word can mean to Humble Ourselves, or even to Defile Ourselves.  In the later tense, this does not mean to "Go Defile Ourselves," because we have already done this, and this is the very reason that we are at this point.  It means that we are to Actually Realize and Consider ourselves "defiled," and demonstrate this by acknowledging our Sinful Nature.

David writes:

19 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; {N}
a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise. Psalm 51:19

The word for contrite is "Dakah" which literally means to be "Crushed."  Our Heart, Our Pride, must be crushed or deflated, but here's the interesting point, and this is the Greatest Clue of all; The word for "Broken" is rooted in the word, "Abah."  This word means Desire or Will.  It also sounds like the word for Father.

Therefore Yeshua says,

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

What both Yeshua and David are alluding to here is more than just words, beliefs, and thoughts.  They are referring to Amunah - Faith in Action.  Desire is not only a thirst, but it's acting upon that thirst.  Therefore if your heart is focused upon "Abah," it is focused upon "His Will," and the Heart motivates the Flesh to Act.

David also wrote:

2 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God. Psalm 42:1

Our soul, in spite of our flesh, desires to return to "Abah."  The source or who we truly are.  The deer does not just think about the water, or believe in the water, or talk about the water...  He pursues it.  He hunts for it.  He searches for it.  The deer is not satisfied until he finds it, and his thirst is quenched!  This is the meaning of David's Soul Cry.  This is the meaning of Abah.

“To have a Broken Heart.”

Therefore, today as we afflict ourselves, let's remember this as we Cry out "Abba" we are reaffirming our Desire for Him, and His Ways.

This is what it means to afflict ourselves.  Do not give into the flesh.  Afflict your personal will, and submit yourselves to His Will.  Allow His Will, and your Desire for His Will, to consume you today.  This is what it means to be atoned.  "'To be Covered in His Will."  

The Term, "Covered in His Blood," is not some ritual of Blood Letting.  It means that we are marked by Him, as His Own, and in Covenant with Him.  His desires become our desires and we all declare,  in atonement, "Not my will, but thy will be done."  

Therefore, today be renewed in Him.  This is not something of the past.  This is just as applicable today, as it will be forever, as the command itself declares.  This is His Day.

As you know, I have spent this last summer addressing the concept of Sin, attempting to dig deeper to the root of the idea.  Leaving behind traditional understandings and misconceptions, I have attempted to lead you back to the original Hebrew Thoughts on the matter.

This was all leading up until today.  Now, I want to share a discovery that I found within the Parasha 
Nitzavim from a couple weeks ago. 

18 and it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying: 'I shall have peace, though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart--that the watered be swept away with the dry';

As I read through the Chumash, The Rabbinical Commentaries on this Parasha, I found profound understanding what is meant by "The watered be swept away with the dry."

The term, "The Watered," is referring to the giving into the "Lust" of the Flesh.  Although in English Lust and Desire can be equated, the concepts within Hebrew are different.  Lust is the pursuits of the Flesh, whereas Desire is the pursuit of HaShem.  Therefore the Rabbis say that one who pursues Lust, opposed to Desire, will not receive Grace.

You see, also in Hebrew thought, "Unintentional Sin," referred to as Shaggagah, is excused and atoned for.

However, there is no atonement for Intentional Sin.  This is because in Hebrew thought, this is a contradiction in terms.  If Atonement means “Submitting to His Will,” and Intentional Sin, means “Defying His Will,” How can He Atone for Intentional Sin?  You cannot submit to His Will, and defy His Will at the same time.  It is impossible to be both.

Now you may think to yourself, but I have committed "Intentional Sin." Meaning that you have committed Sin, knowing full well that it is wrong.  NOW, you are thinking to yourself, there is no atonement for my intentional sin?  What will I do???

We are thinking this way, because we have been lead to understand that "Sin," is a behavior.  Now, during the Messages this past Summer, I had explained that Sin is not the action, but rather a root attitude.

This does not mean that your actions are not Sin, but rather the concept of Sin is not within the Action, but rather rooted in the heart.

Taking this into account, we must understand that "Intentional Sin," is not simply Sinning, knowing full well it is wrong.  Although this is Transgression of God's Law, it is not what the Hebrew would depict as "Intentional Sin."  You see, according to the Rabbis, when one is unable to fully understand their actions or comprehend the ramifications of their actions, then it is all summed up as "Shagagah" (Unintentional).  

What's more, is that in Hebrew Thought, "Intentional Sin," is not simply "Transgression," but rather a blatant disregard for God's Truth - His Torah.  Therefore when we look back at Deuteronomy 29:18 we see the depiction of what "Intentional Sin" is:

18 and it come to pass, when he heareth the words of this curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying: 'I shall have peace, though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart--that the watered be swept away with the dry';

The attitude, which is Sin (Chattah) is defiance of God's Word.  It defies the Truth of it.  It defies the very fact that God is Righteous and we are not.  If you acknowledge your Sin, then you are acknowledging that God's Word, His Torah, is Truth.  Then your actions, are regarded as Shaggagah, and there is a Covering for this - Atonement.  

What the Rabbis stated in conclusion on this matter was interesting as well.  They say that the term, "The watered be swept away with the dray," is a reference to the judgment.  Meaning that when you take upon this attitude of self-righteousness, and defy God's Instruction, even your "Shagagah" (Unintentional Sin) which would have normally fallen under Grace, will be held against you, on the Day of Judgment.  Your punishment will be multiplied, where others will receive Grace for Shagagah.  You do not want to live with Intentional Sin.

As I read these words, my mind traveled back in time to a place called, "Sychar."

There, Yeshua met a Samaritan Women at the City Square called "The Broad Place."  This is where the whole village would meet, in any given town in Israel.

He asked her for some water, and she asked why He was asking her, a Samaritan Women, for water when Jews do not even regard the Samaritans as anything.  

Yeshua replied that if she truly knew who He was, she would be asking Him for water...

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”
13 Yeshua answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”
16 He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”
17 “I have no husband,” she replied.

Yeshua said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” John 4:11-18

As I read this with this understanding of Shaggagah and Intentional Sin, I realized that Yeshua did in fact, give her "This Water."  The fact that she acknowledged her Sin, when He asked her to go call her Husband.  When she responded with, "I have no Husband," this was indicative of her receiving this water.  She realized that she was in Sin.  Otherwise, she would have simply said, "Wait here," and went to fetch the man that she was with.  

Yeshua recognizes her change of heart, by saying:

"What you have just said is quite true.”  This is because she now understood the difference between "The Lust of the Flesh," (The Water from the Well) and "The Desire of God," (The Living Water.)

The Rabbis are not completely off in all things.  The LORD has blessed our People with Wisdom and Understanding, in spite of our Blindness to Him.  Which was quite ironic as well within this Study of Chumash.  Our Rabbis recognize the fact that we are blind to The True will of God, because of our Sin, and that, “As promised,” if we continued within unbelief that He would "Hide" Himself from us, but not leave us.  We cannot see Him, but He is with us.  They acknowledge that they are blind, but cannot comprehend that their understanding of Messiah Yeshua is a part of that blindness.  

What a Paradox?

I've entitled today's Message, "Go and Sin No More," because when you think about it, that's a very difficult thing to understand.  If we are to "Sin no More," then why would we continued to have an annual "Day of Atonement?"

I've pondered this idea my entire life.  Did Yeshua actually mean what He said, or the better question is, Did the person that He spoke these words to actually adhere to His Command?  "Go and Sin No More."

Its sounds like a pretty steep order considering, that the person is still human and subject to the Yetzera - The Hebrew word for the inclination to Evil.  

If this is the case and the expectation for perfection was not actually intended, then why did He say it?

I was asked once, "Why was David considered a man after God's Own Heart, when he was such a 'Sinner?'"

I answered, "In order to understand David, we have to look at Saul for contrast," in the same way that we see Cain and Abel or Jacob and Esau.  

One thing that we mistake in, when reading Scripture, is the "Righteousness" of our Spiritual Heroes.  These men of Faith were far from "Sinless."  They Sinned every day, from moment to moment, just like any of us.  The difference between Men of Faith and Men of Works, is attitude...  

The attitude is this word that we looked at earlier, "Abah," a Desire for the Will of The Father.  We can do what we think is right, or behave "Righteously," but the Truth is still within us.  

If we are doing these things to Please God, so that He shows favor upon us, then we must check our Motivations.  

If we do Acts of Righteousness, because we have Faith in our Salvation, according to His Promises, regardless of our works, then we do well.  

You see, we have conceptually fallen into the realm of Legalism and Works Righteousness without even realizing it.  We have conceptually associated the acts of Sin with Sin.  Therefore, we consider our behavior sin, and try to correct the behavior.  What we have learned over and over is that Sin is an Attitude.  It is a premise of Faith that states, "I am Saved regardless of God's Word - God's Law..." - This is Arrogance.

Ironically, this is exactly what "Sin" is, as defined in Deuteronomy 29:18.  Sin is simply the attitude of disregard for the Truth of God's Word.  Plain and Simple.

This means that when Yeshua states, "Go and Sin no more,"  He is not referring to the Act of Sin, or the Behavior of Sin, He is saying, "Acknowledge the Truth of God's Word, and since there is Sin in you, acknowledge it, and afflict yourself."  Afflicting ourselves is not about whaling "Woe is me!  I’m a Sinner!!!"  It simply means the same thing as "Repent."  Return your focus upon "Abah," The Will of God, and walk that path. 

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Yeshua, his Son, purifies us from all[b]sin.
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 
10 If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:5-10

Yes - You have Sinned, but your Sin, if you regard it as Sin, is accounted to you as Shagagah.  Meaning it was not done in a willful disregard for God's Truth, but rather within the weakness of the Flesh.  There is a difference.

This knowledge is THAT “Water of Life,” that Yeshua was speaking of.  The Water that waters the Lust of the Flesh, will only return, and you will thirst again.  Yeshua's Water of Life quenches the thirst for Righteousness, and we thirst no more for that understanding, because once He gives it to us, we have it!

Yom Kippur means "Day of Covering," but it is not our behavior that is Covered, but our Pride, so that are "Sin," of thinking that we are “Righteous” within ourselves, is removed.  By reaffirming our Commitment to God's Ways, in spite of our Flesh, is the process of affliction, and therefore YHVH recognizes our desire to remain within the Book of Life.  

Our acts of Righteousness have no direct affect upon our name remaining in The Book of Life.  Our affirmation of our desire for Him, is what tells the LORD that we truly desire to remain within the Book of Life.  

The decision is asked of us again this year, "Do you wish to remain within the Book?  Do you still Love me?  Then Keep my Commandments."

He is not going to remove us, we can only remove ourselves upon request.  Choose Life, and remain in Life, and have Everlasting Life!

Today, I suggest that you Drink of The Water of Life, and acknowledge your sin.  Afflict yourself to return to your first love, which is your desire, your Abah, for Him.

Now that you know, "Go and Sin No More."

Let us Pray:

Awake O' Israel!

I've asked this question before, and I will ask it again today, "Why are we here?"

I know that this is the age old philosophical question, and for those of us who are Believers, we know that we are here to Serve The LORD. We know that each of us has a purpose to fulfil, but the question still stands, "What is it?" What is our purpose?

There are many of us that ask this question straight out and go to the LORD with it, and there are others who just float through Life, doing what it is that they do, although the thought lingers in the back of their mind, only to surface when faced with dyer contemplation and introspection.

I've entitled Today's Message: "Awake O' Israel" because of the Season at hand. Tomorrow, at Sundown, we begin the High Holidays with Yom Teruah, "The Feast of Trumpets." There is just something about that sound, that awakens something deep within us, and we do need to Wake Up.

We need to wake up and asked The LORD, why are we here? What is our purpose? What do you want of us?

The Rabbis call this Feast "Rosh HaShannah," or "The Jewish New Year." It literally means "The Head of the Year," but this is according to a Babylonian Calendar. The New Year prescribed by YHVH was the month of Aviv, the month of Passover. Aviv is the beginning. It is the Spring when Life sprouts. The name Rosh HaShannah, although called this by Our People, is just another reason that we need to Wake Up, Remember, and Make T'Shuvah.

Many years ago, as I was beginning my Personal Walk with The LORD, I asked Him this same question, "What is it that you want from me? How can I serve you?"

It was a time in my Life that I was "Getting to Know God." In fact this, in itself, is an interesting story...

I used to attend a Baptist Church, here in Winnipeg, when I was a young man. I was in College, getting my Education when I came to terms with the fact that I needed to get to know The LORD on a personal level. Although I was not new to the Faith, being raised in a Christian home, I was new to the idea of a Personal Relationship.

One Sunday, a dear Elderly man named, Bill Slusarchuk, gave me a cassette tape, for those of you who remember that technology. I found out that Bill went Home to be with the LORD back in 2007. I'm sure he heard those words, "Well done my good and faithful servant." I'll always remember Bill.

Dear old Bill would just randomly (or so it would appear) hand out tapes to people in the Congregation. This was his ministry, and he was faithful in it. Most just took the tapes out of respect and courtesy, but I'm sure many just left those cassettes on the mantle, and never took the time to actually listen to what they were about. Perhaps that is presumptuous, but I also know human nature, and I am quite often guilty of it. Fortunately for me, not this time.

This particular tape that Bill gave to me was entitled, "Getting to know God." I really wanted to know the LORD. I wanted to know the real Him. My favourite song back then was "As a Deer pantath for the Water, so my soul longeth after thee." It captured the essence of where my heart was. I would pop that cassette into my Walk-Man, for those of you who remember the days before the CD's and MP3 Players...     

I would then leave my apartment, just on the other side of the street from here, and walk past this building, down to the Forks Walk, and I would walk down to The Folks, listening to this Tape.

I don't even remember the exact context of what the Preacher on this Tape was talking about, but I do remember it impacting my life. He taught that the Perfection of God's Will, His Person, His Heart was captured in the essence of His Word. I would walk and listen to this tape, over and over, day after day.

Being a college student, I didn't have a lot of money, and I remember not being able to afford batteries, and STILL, I listened to that tape. I think I wore it out. In fact, I would listen to those words, over and over, as the track ran slower and slower, until it sounded like the voice of Frankenstein was teaching me about Faith.

After each walk, I would go Home to the Word and Read, looking for my purpose. "What do you want from me? How can I serve you?" I would ask. I would get nothing specific from The LORD, and so I waited.

Eventually the batteries died...

After the batteries had died, I would still go on my walks down to The Forks, but now I was just thinking, and talking to the LORD as I walked. I remember seeing that Picture, "The road to Emmaus." (I'm sure many of you know it...) This is how I imagined my walk. I was "Literally" walking with The LORD. It was when I began to really feel His voice, that I KNEW that I was in relationship with Him.

Now, I'm not going to tell you that I heard an audible voice, as I didn't, but I would hear Him in my Thoughts. I knew that it was Him, because I didn't think that way. He would teach me things in our walks, that I would later read about in my devotion... "Hey, that's what you told me on our walk!' I would declare, as I read it within His Word.

Then, in Church on Sunday, the Pastor would Preach about that exact same subject. Week, after week, I began to think that THIS was normal. I thought that I was experiencing what every Christian had, and that I was just now a part of the family.... Until I began to share my experiences with some of my Baptist friends... And then found out that I was just "Strange."

I would have accepted this as Truth, if it were not for my Best Friend, who came to know The LORD that same Summer. As we would walk together, and I would share the things that the LORD was teaching me, then Brad would also witness Pastor McLeod's Message in sync, Sunday, after Sunday. Brad came to consider this "normal," as well. I guess we were both "Strange."

Ironically, I wasn't the one who lead him to the LORD. The LORD had a similar plan for him, but that's a story is for another Message.

The reason that I'm sharing this story with you, is to show you how the simplest things that we do for The LORD, have impact that we cannot even imagine. A few years later, after becoming involved in the Messianic Movement, I returned to Winnipeg and to my old Baptist Church, and there was Bill , still handing out Tapes. I went over to say, "Hello," and thanked him, but age was taking its toll, and he didn't even remember me anymore. Nevertheless, his efforts and service to The LORD was fruitful, whether he knew it or not.

I want to produce fruit like this for The LORD. Therefore, I encourage you to talk to Him, ask Him to reveal your purpose, and as simple as your call might be, be faithful in it, be faithful the little things. Yeshua taught us that if we are faithful in the little things, He will make us Masters over Greater Things. (Matthew 25:23)

It was a Tuesday... I remember that it was a Tuesday, because the Next Day was Wednesday. It was a Wednesday, because we had our Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting at the Baptist Church.

It was a Tuesday Evening, and as I was about my own Business, doing homework, or watching TV, or whatever, and The LORD called out to me, wanting to talk to me. Again.... Not an audible voice, but I knew within me who was calling -- I felt it.

I began to pray, and listen to what it was that He wanted from me. Ironically, He asked me what I wanted? I remember thinking... "but you called me?" The LORD knew that there was a question on my heart, but I had not asked Him lately... He was now ready to tell me. Hallelujah - Here we Go!

"LORD, What will you have me do?"

You know what He told me...? Now, you might think that I'm trying to be funny, but this is how it happened.... Right over there, on the other side of this street.

He told me, "You'll know tomorrow night."

Tomorrow? You know, I could have been anxious and begged for Him to tell me right then, but you know what, I was just happy that He had a plan for me, and I was excited that He was about to reveal His Plan for My Life! So - I accepted this, and waited until the next evening...

The Next Night was a Wednesday. I got to the Prayer Meeting, and took my chair, wondering Who was going to Prophesy over me... In a Baptist Church? This was going to be interesting. Little did I know that He was going to reveal His plan, a little more subtly. Each week, our Congregation would pray for a specific country... Can you GUESS what Nation we prayed for that evening? 

Israel! He was calling me Home - To my People. I knew exactly what He meant... As subtle as it was, I got the message. Well, not exactly, because this was over 20 Years ago, and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing. Either way - Here I am.

Nevertheless, that night began the journey.... Many things happened, and many doors opened, one after another, leading me into the Messianic Movement.

You know, remembering back, I was just happy to find out that I wasn't alone, and I wasn't the one that had to START this whole thing. I honestly thought that it was just me... I guess I had my Elijah moment... Here I am today... I am here , BECAUSE of Him. To God be the Glory.

What I want you to think about is your relationship with Him, right here, right now... What is He calling YOU to do for Him? Now is the Time - His appointed Time for this very thing.

You see, we are entering into what is called, "The Days of Awe." This is the time that God has appointed for Israel to look at itself. Yom Kippurim is coming, and therefore we are called to "Zakar" - "To Remember." -- BUT to Remember what? The Scriptures are ambiguous about this...

This call is commanded in Leviticus 23:24

"Speak unto the children of Israel, saying: In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall be a solemn rest unto you, a memorial proclaimed with the blast of horns, a holy convocation."

Moses told us to "Remember," but he didn't tell us what to Remember...
The word for Memorial is "Zikkaron" or "Zichron." It derives from the root word, "Zakar" which means to "Remember" or "Remark," or simply to Mark. This is the word Moshe used when asking YHVH to have mercy on Israel, when they sinned with the Golden Calf.  

13 Remember (Zakar) Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Thy servants, to whom Thou didst swear by Thine own self, and saidst unto them: I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it ... for ever.' Exodus 32:13

Therefore we are commanded in Leviticus 23:24 to "Zikkaron, with Teruah" - "Remember with Loud Shouts" which we translate to be the Blasts of the Shofar. This is the meaning of this coming Holy Day, HaYom Teruah - The Day of Trumpet Blasts, or as some of you may know it, "The Feast of Trumpets." 

This event.. This day, declares the beginning of The Days of Awe. The sound of the Shofar means to "Awake!" Spiritually Awake O' Israel, and put off your slumber, and the Truth (in Hebrew - EMeT - That which does not change) will set you Free.

These next 10 Days, until Yom Kippurim, we are to seek The LORD YHVH. We are to prepare our hearts to meet with the LORD of Hosts.

At this moment... This very moment... If His presence were to fill this room, would we be ready? Would our hearts be prepared to meet with Him, in all His Glory?

This is how we are to view these days. T'shuva - Repent - Return your Heart O' Israel to its place, that place in HaShem's presence. We need to look at ourselves. We need to look into ourselves, and clean the Temple - Chanukah - Rededicate this Holy Place unto HaShem, so that when He comes, He has a Clean and Holy Place to dwell.

Then, on Yom Kippurim, we can can truly let go, and let God. Let Him, our Mashiach, take away those sins, and cast them into the sea of forgetfulness, the Price Paid in full, by His Sacrifice.

I know, this type of talk begs the Theological question, "But, I thought that Christ ended the need for this annual event, and that He died once and for all?"

Therefore I ask the Question again, "Why are we here, here at Haverim Mashiach?

We are here to learn about The Word of God. We are here to search the Scriptures together. We are here, because we are tired of hearing Theology that supperemposes itself upon The Word of God, but does not acutally adhere to The Word of God .

Therefore, let's look at these Appointed Times of YHVH.

Are these "Jewish Holidays?"

That's not what the LORD called them. He referred to these Appointed Times, these Mo'edim as - "MY Appointed Seasons."

This very chapter that we learn of Yom Teruah - Leviticus 23 begins with:

1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying:

2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: The appointed seasons of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are My appointed seasons.

"MY appointed Times."

You know what, just for a moment, while we are on this topic, let's go to verse 3:

3 Six days shall work be done; but on the seventh day is a sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of work; it is a sabbath unto the LORD in all your dwellings. {P}

This Day, "Shabbat" is a Mo'ed. This is HIS DAY, HIS weekly meeting with us. The Day that HE set to be THE Appointed Time. We cannot simply, by the authority of Tradition, set a New Day, and call it, "Mo'ed." Then it is no longer a Mo'ed, because if HE did not set it, then it is just another day that WE have proclaimed! ...Strange Fire...

Did you know that every Shabbat is "The Holiest Day of the Year to Israel?" EVERY SHABBAT is a Mo'ed, an Appointed Time, that HE has set for us to meet with Him, each week.

How long did He set these Observance into effect, until Messiah comes? Is that what The Word of God states?

Leviticus 23:21

"And ye shall make proclamation on the selfsame day; there shall be a holy convocation unto you; ye shall do no manner of servile work; it is a statute for ever in all your dwellings throughout your generations." Forever!

Who said that it would end? Theology? .... This is not the Word of God. This is simply Man's oppinion about The Word of God.

Leviticus 23:31

"Ye shall do no manner of work; it is a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings."

Remember in Hebrew the Word for "Truth" - "Emet," means "Eternal," - It does not change. If it changes, it is not Truth.

Therefore, to declare that Christ has done away with all that, would to be to declare that God is a liar, or worse, that the Messiah that would declare this, would not be the Messiah, but a False Messiah.

We need to know where we stand. As Johannon the Emerser, or as many of you know him, John the Baptist, proclaimed in the stead of Elijah: "Make Straight the Way of YHVH." These are the Days of T'Shuvah. - Repent! Turn back to God's Word.

God does not Change. He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever - "I change not." Malachi 3:6

This is what makes The Truth, "The Truth." It is Eternal. It does not change. Therefore, if the God who knows all things, and knows the future, declares - "it is a statute for ever," then He meant it, regardless of Israel's flaws. Israel's Failure has no baring on God's "Everlasting" promises.

Wake Up! Awake O' Israel, put off your Slumber and the Eternal Truth shall set you Free!

Oh, but following The Law is Legalism... Is that what we are calling Obedience today?

You know, after I began my journey in The Messianic Movement, I returned home to Winnipeg, from Vancouver, and stayed with one of my best friends, a Baptsist Brother. This is the same friend that I had grown up with, and who had been influencial, in leading me back to the LORD.

One day, back in Collage, he saw that my life was a mess, and the LORD used him to invite me to a Service at his Church. To his surprise, I agreed to go.... Yes... Things were that bad, at that time, BUT the LORD was already working on my heart, prior to this.

Ironically, the Message THAT day, that set me back on course was entiled , "Wake Up Canada."

It was delivered by a Romanian Pastor, sent to us to tell us, "You are so busy sending Missionaries to us, when it is you that is needing Missionaries... Look at yourselves. Your country is morally Bankrupt, and a reconing is coming..."

Was he wrong?

I found out later that "Wake Up Romania" is their National Anthem... Perhaps Israel should adopt Our own version.

I remember that Morning, as he spoke the words, "Wake Up!" the voice of the Ruach HaKodesh, The Holy Spirit, "Teruah" - Shouted through Him, and my Spirit did Awaken.

It was a few years later in my walk, and I was now involved in the Ministry myself. Here I was discussing My Calling with my friend, while staying with him. As we talked about my involement in the Messianic Movement and my acquired understanding of Torah, he quickly responded with, "But THAT is Legalism!" My responded was, "You do not know what Legalism is."

I went on to explain that Obedience to God's Word is not Legalism. The belief that you are "SAVED," because of your efforts of Works Righteousness, is what "Legalism" truly is. Although the conversation was heated, we were still Brothers in The LORD, and eventually we talked about something else... but the words and thoughts still lingered.

This was a Saturday Night... I remember this, because the next morning was Sunday. We got up early, as we always had, back when we attended Church together, and off to Faith Baptist we went.

Pastor Bill Mcleod, when beginning his message, without even an introduction to his sermon, stood up at the Pulpit, and the first words that came out of his mouth were...

"You do not know what Legalism is."

Pastor Mcleod, obviously completely unaware of the conversation that my friend and I had had the night before, proceeded to reitterate those words, and explain to his Congregation that Obedience to God's Word is not "Legalism," but rather the belief that Works Righteouisness is the cause of "Salvation," is what is meant by Legalism.

Baruch HaShem! It was just like old times!!!

So, then why do Messianic Jews and Believers observe "The Old Testament?"

Well, as most of you know, we do not refer to The Word of God as "The Old Testament," we call it Torah - "His Instruction."

Is it Legalism to follow Torah? Is Obedience, "Legalism?" Only if one believes that their Works of Righteousness will "Save" them... Otherwise if God said it, then we should do it.

Paul did.

Acts 21:17-26

17 And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly.
18 And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present.
19 And when he had saluted them, he declared particularly what things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry.
20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law:
21 And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs.
22 What is it therefore? the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come.
23 Do therefore this that we say to thee: We have four men which have a vow on them;
24 Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that those things, whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing; but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law.
25 As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and concluded that they observe no such thing, save only that they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication.
26 Then Paul took the men, and the next day purifying himself with them entered into the temple, to signify the accomplishment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them...

"Yeah, but that was only up till the Temple was destroyed and then the Christians replaced the Jews..."

Theology... Not Scripture.

The early Believers observed the Moed'im. All of them. Why? Because The Word of God said so... The Word of God (The Torah) was their only "Bible," as their was no Commentary known as "The New Testament," at that time. This is all they knew. They did not Celebrate "Christian" Holidays like Christmas or Easter. They were Torah Observant Israel. This is what the T'shuvah Movement was about - "Repentance" - "Return to Torah" - Make Straight THE WAY of The LORD...

What was The Way of The LORD? Simple Common Sense indicates, "The Torah," or as it is referred to today as "The Bible." - "The Scripture." Therefore the same Message, the Same Gospel is being preached today... Return to Scripture as the Authority of our Faith.

If you believe that Yeshua and the Scriprure are at emnity, then this is a problem.

"Not one jot or tittle." Matthew 5:18

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

Haverim, there is more to come, "for the Bible tells me so."

Many Believers today see the Messianic Movement as a Jewish Movement. In essence, it is believed that we are Jews who believe in Jesus as Messiah, and some Gentiles are along for the ride. This view is in error.

This is a T'shuvah Movement - Repentance - We are Returning to HaYesod, "The Foundation," of the Scripture for our Authority. I'm NOT talking about the interpretation of Scripture, that supports Theology, but The True essence of it's meaning and purpose.

Many Believers see Judaism as "The Religion of the Jews." This is because we are looking at Israel through Theologically influenced eyes. In essence, "A Jew," was someone who resided in The Land of Israel, known as Judea, and therefore were referred to as "Jews." These Jews were diverse in belief systems, from Pharisees, Sadducess, Zealots, Esseans, and I'm sure their were many other variations of sects. In fact, 2000 years ago, the earlier Believing Jews were referred to as "Nazerenes," and some called themselves, "Halacha" - "The Way in Which to Walk," just another sect of Jews.

After the "Common Era" began, referred to today as "A.D.," many Jews fought against Roman Rule, and eventually the other sects gave way to persecution. The sects that remained were Messianic Jews, who placed their Faith in Yeshua as Messiah, and Pharisadic Jews, who followed their own Traditions, rejecting Yeshua's Messiahship, for the most part. Keep in mind, there were many Pharisees that accepted Yeshua as Messiah.

You see, for those of you who have not figured this out yet, Pharisadic Judaism, also known as Rabbinical Judaism, isn't simply, "The Jews." Pharisidic Judaism was saturated with Replacement Theology, leading many of Israel astray, much like Replacement Theology within the Church is still at work today, misleading Christians about who they are within Israel.

As History would have it, eventually the Rabbinical Pharisees, shunned the Messianic Believers, due to their stand on Messiah, as well as, The Holy Roman Rule put up "A Wall of Partitian," between Messianic Jews and their so-calld "Christian" brethern, declaring "Never the twain shall meet," under threat of death.

Therefore, today most Christians assume that Judaism is what Jews are. Judaism is just another Religion that Jews follow. The Rabbis stake claim to be the Religion of Israel, and they are right - It's a Religion. However there are Jews who, although are concidered Jews by their birthright belong to other "Religions."

This is not what we are. We are NOT Jews that belong to another Religion. We are Jews who place our Faith in Messiah Yeshua "OF THE SCRIPTURES," and not within the concept of Works Righteousness known to Judaism as Mitzvoth. This does not mean that Messianic Jews do not observe the Mo'edim of Torah. This means that we attempt to follow the Torah, but we must be careful not to confuse The Traditions of Rabbinical Judaism with Torah Obedience. They are not the same.

There are many things that Rabbinical Judaism has taken Liberty to change in order to fulfill a Mitzvah, so that it is counted as a Deed of Merrit, but all the while, it is not what God had commanded through Moses.

The Messianic Movement is not about Christians and Jews coming together to Worship the LORD, although this is a part of it. The Messianic Movement is not about Jews that believe that Jesus is the Messiah, so that we can be Jews, all the while worship Jesus. The Messianic Movement is not about "Doing it The Jewish Way." This is not about Jewish Litergy, or Jewish Customs, or singing in Hebrew. The Messianic Movement is the Restoration Movement. We are involved in a Leading of The LORD to "Return," (T'shuva) - Repentance to His Ways. This is a YHVH movement, a return to The LORD.

When Yeshua taught us to pray, He did not teach us, "Our Messiah, who art in Heaven." His Goal, His Mission was to lead us back to His Father, "Our Father," "Avinu."

Now, we know that Yeshua is HaShem come in the Flesh to Lead us, to Teach us His Ways, but the reason that He lead us to pray, "Avinu Shaba Shamayim..." "Our Father who is in Heaven," is because He didn't want us to focus our eyes upon the Flesh that He was, but rather upon The Father that He is. His very name, "YHVH," means - 'Who Was, Who is, and Who is to Come.' - The Eternal. This is not about Religion or Culture. This is, and always has been, about Him.

Many of you, in fact most of you are here, because you have felt a call from The LORD. Many of you had questions regarding the paradox of Scripture and Theology, and were tired of Theology depending upon Theology to defend itself. Shouldn't the Word of God, stand on its own? It does.

We are here, because we want to leave Tradition behind, and move on to the hire calling of His Word. How can we do that if we are hanging onto the Traditions of the Church? The problem that we face now is that many of us, especially within the Messianic Movement, have moved away from the Church, only to embraced the Traditions of the Rabbis.

Is this what is meant by "Grabbing onto the Tzit Tzit?" as referred to in Zachariah 8:23:

23 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.

These Tzit Tzit, represent The Torah, The Word of God. This is what will Heal us:

"But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;"

Malachi 4:2

The Messianic Movement is about the Return to Torah - The Word of God. It is not a Jewish Movement at all, although He is using our people to bring it forth. It is a Movement back to YHVH. This is what the Word "Repent" - "T'shuvah" means, "Return" to His Ways - His Word - Not Mine.

Therefore Haverim, as you Hear the Trumpet Sound, "Teruah" - The Call to remember, rememember your first love.

This is why the LORD placed this testimony on my heart to share with you today. This is my "Zakar," - My rememberance of my First Love with Him, when I first began to walk with Him.

I encourage you to Return, in your Hearts, as we enter into these 10 Days of Awe, to think, to meditate upon Him, and What He has done for us, so that We Remember and Awake. Teruah!

Let's Pray: