The Shadows of Hebrew (Part 2)

Shalom Haverim,

As promised, I will continue to share our findings within this Odyssey through the Triennial Cycle.

Therefore, now that you have a basic understanding of our Study Techniques, I will continue in this next Blog entry by sharing some of the discoveries that we have made by looking deeper into these Shadow Dimension of the Ancient Hebrew.

We began our Quest this year like any other year; in Berashiet ("Genesis") or "In the Beginning."  In fact a good part of our First Study was completely dedicated to the Word "Berashiet," - בְּרֵאשִׁית - itself.  As we began to examine the Word, the first thing we noticed is that, although the First Letter of the Alphabet is an 'Aleph," The Word of God, "begins," with a "Bet" (Or what we would refer to as a "B" in English.)

So What -- Why is this significant?  That's the point of Midrashic Study, no little detail is without meaning or purpose.  This is a Forensic Investigation.

Now, on the grammatical surface, The Bet simply means "Ba" or "In" - as a prefix to "Roshiet" -  "The Beginning,"  Therefore, "In - The Beginning."  However, it is the construct of the Word as a whole, that made us look at it with perplexity.  "BaRosh" would have been enough to convey this understanding, meaning "In the First."  This would have been enough to equal our understanding in English, but the Hebrew is trying to tell us something more than the Translators took the time to explain.

The first thing that we must consider is that "Ba" ("In") means "In."  English COULD have used "At" or "On" to convey the same concept as it is "Translated" into English, but we must understand that if the Hebrew used, "In," it means "In" - "Within" - "Inside."  Therefore, it could also be read as "Inside the Beginning" or more specifically, "Inside My Head - The Work of The Covenant."  Let's look at this further.

The Word Berashiet, does not end at "BaRosh," ("In the First" or "In the Head") which would use the letters "Bet-Resh-Aleph-Shin."  The next letter is a "Yod," which COULD demonstrate a possessive nature as in, "In MY Beginning."  The Yod  (The Hebrew Character that looks like an apostrophe) is usually used to imply a possessive specifier to the previous context of the Word.

However, it doesn't end there.  Berashiet continues with a "Tav," at the end.  The Tav (The Last Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet), confused us even more.  The Tav at the end of a Word usually tells us that the previous context of The Word should be understood as a feminine plural.  Meaning that, there is a Mystery wanting to be revealed right within the 1st Word of the Bible.

As we began to break it down, we saw more...  Ba (In) - Rosh (Beginning/Head) i (My) T (Feminine Plural) = "In My Beginning(s)?"

HOWEVER, grammatically - It would require a "Vav" before the "Tav" to make it a Feminine Plural...  Therefore, it could not be a feminine plural, and the Tav stood alone within the context of the Word.

This is WHY Berashiet is a "Clue Word" ...  Which is what triggers our Word Study Investigation.  We needed to look deeper.

Here's what we saw:

1) The Letter "Bet" (B) in "Berashiet" means "In."  This we know.

2) The "Rosh" (Resh-Aleph-Shin) part of the Word, means "Beginning" - "The Head" - or - "The First."  No Problem.

3) Now we can assume, that the "Yod" (i) COULD be a possessive specifier to mean "MY," but it is the "Tav" that throws us off, because for the "Yod" to make it possessive, it should end there.  What do we do with this "Tav?"  Why is it there?  What does it mean?

Perhaps the process of applying the grammatical identifiers is the problem.  Maybe "Berashiet" is simply a Word unto itself.  Meaning the Yod and the Tav are NOT grammatical identifiers, but are just a part of the concept of the Word.

Could it mean, "In My Beginning - The Covenant?" or "In the Beginning - My Covenant?"

You may ask, "Where does the idea of a 'Covenant' come in?"  If you recall from the previous Blog entry, I made reference, and provided a LINK to, "The Hebrew Word Picture Charts."  If you look at the chart, you will notice at the bottom, the last letter - "Tav."  It is within the Hebrew Letter for "Tav" that we find the pictorial concept meaning "The Sign," or "The Covenant."

Therefore, if I were to break down the whole word in Paleo Picture, it would say, "The House Starts with the Strength of a Consuming Fire in the Work of My Covenant."

or it could also be understood as (If you follow with the Chart):

"The Universe was Created by the proclamation, 'Let there be Light.' - Which is 'The Work of My Covenant." (Is this not exactly what John 1 proclaims?  Perhaps he too saw this within the Hebrew Thought.)

Now, we have determined that nothing discovered "Midrashically," is without a practical application.  Meaning that there is a Micro application for every Marco Example.  In this case, it can be said:

"The Head of the House (The Father) Leads with a Passion for his Marriage."

How do we get this?  (Again, if you follow with the Chart);

Bet = The House
Rosh = The Head
Aleph = Strong Leader
Shin = Fire (or Passion)
Yod = The Work of the Hand
Tav = The Covenant (Marriage).

There is a lesson to be learned right from the first Word of the Bible.  If you build YOUR HOUSE, as YHVH has built HIS HOUSE - You will learn  from His Example - Right from The Beginning!  -- This is Marriage Counselling 101.

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:24  - In Hebrew the Key Words are "United" and "Flesh" = "One Singular Message."  (I'll go further into this explanation when we get there.)

Now, something a little more controversial that we discovered (For argument's sake)... is that, if we broke down Berashiet as in "B'ra - Shiet."  It could mean; "In Seeing - Again."  This provoked us to spend some time discussing "The Gap Theory," as there is Theological Speculation that "The Beginning," is only in reference to this present "Olam" (World/Existence) that we are presently experiencing.  Which is to say that there was an "Olam" (Existence) before "Berashiet" (The Beginning "as we know it") or as in this interpretation, "The Beginning - Again."  (We'll go further into this when we get to Noah's "Aviv.")

Looking deeper into this concept, we began to speculate about the missing link of the Tzeduqim ("Sadducee's) Theology.  All we know is that the Tzeduqim ("Righteous Ones") did not believe in "The Resurrection "  Our knowledge on them is based upon a negative concept, but we never really know WHAT they actually believed.  If they did not believe in anything "Spiritual" or "After-Life," then what was the motivation for their "Righteousness," or "Purpose" in this Life?  The only logical conclusion, other than they believed in "Being Righteous" just because it's better than being "Unrighteous," is that their reward was either ONLY EARTHLY, or they rested in a concept like unto "Reincarnation."

Some would argue that Resurrection and Reincarnation are generally the same thing, but I would argue that the Bible supports one concept, and rejects the other.  Within "Traditional" Theology, Pharisaic, as well as Christian, the idea of "Resurrection" is to come back into This World, for a Time or Purpose, including an eventual Spiritual Eternity.  Whereas "Reincarnation" as we understand it, is an altered state of continual "Re-existence," whether it be the person that is in an altered state, or the World to Come.

The point being is, if this is the premise behind Sadducaic Theology, then perhaps this "B'ra-Shiet" ("In Seeing Again") concept, may have been the catalyst to launch this Sect of Theology.  Keep in mind that this is purely speculation, and that although this does not fit into the grammatical understanding of the Word, many Sects have been created on a weaker foundation.

However, one thing that can be attributed to this "Here and Now" concept of their Theology is that, the Tzeduqim were mostly made up of Upper Class Israel.  Meaning, that they could have believed that their "Righteousness" generated Earthly Wealth. (Sound Familiar?)

Where the opposition to The Resurrection comes into play is that, perhaps they envisioned a New Olam (World/Existence), as in a "Physical" New Creation, that they moved onto, rather than a return to the corrupted Olam of "The Here and Now."  Which is not completely opposed to Scripture, however it just does not take into account all the attributes of Eschatology.  (The Resurrection, and THEN the New Jerusalem.)

This is the Universal Problem with "Partisan Theology."  Certain groups tend to take a particular Concept of Scripture, and develop a Theology around that premise.  Then, other individuals that find kinship with that particular vein of Theology, attach themselves to it, and some with patriotic and religious fervor.  The purpose of Midrash is to avoid this pattern, and attempt to find a way that Scripture supports Scripture, rather than taking one piece and avoiding another.  "Triangulate" - Scripture doesn't oppose itself.  We just need to work out our Understanding, with Fear and Reverence.

Although we may not accept the (Speculated) Theological premise of "The Beginning Again," it would explain a lot of things that are difficult to reconcile when dealing with questions about "Who did Cane marry," and "Who was going to kill him?" (Genesis 4).  If we follow the Traditional Understanding without going to the Ancient Hebrew for Authentication, then we simply apply "Theological" processes to reconcile these anomalies without actually addressing the misconceptions of WHAT is really being said.

Therefore, we can build an entire case, as the Gap Theory has, that there were people in this "Olam" (existence) before Adam and Chavah were exiled from The Garden.  (As stated before, I'll discuss this in more detail when we reach the study of Noah and "The Aviv."

This could explain the age old controversy of "The Sons of God and The Daughters of Men." (Genesis 6)  This might even have something to do with the existence of Dinosaur remains...  There is so much that we do not understand...

The primary academic objectives of Paleontological "Science" should not be based upon the premise of debunking "The Biblical Account of Creation," as History has demonstrated.  This motivation stems from the political influence of "Religion," that attempted to stifle the endeavours of Science, and therefore instead of trying to figure out WHAT this is, they continued down a road whose Genesis is founded within, "God and Science cannot coexist."  Whereas, "Science" itself should embrace, and simply consider ALL probable scenarios.  If fields of "Science" are in the process of "considering" the existence, and influence of "Alien Life," upon our planet, then should the basic premise of Creation be ignored simply because "The Accounting of Time," is off?

Meaning that, due to Theological Speculation and Erroneous Interpretation, the concept of a 6,000 year old planet is the reason why "The Biblical account is Wrong?"  THAT, is not Science.  The problem is not "The Theory" itself, but rather the context of what the Theory is based upon.  The Scientific Community must realize that "ignoring" certain probabilities, reflects poorly upon their credibility as Scientists, if the rejection of the probability is based upon "Speculation."  (IE: "Science and God do not mix...") - What if THEY DO?  The "What if" is what makes Science, "Science."  The Study of Theoretical Physics has already dismissed the "Quantifiable/Intangible" argument.  Therefore "Science" DOES accept the fact that just because we cannot "prove" the quantifiable property of a subject, does not mean that it does not exist.

In fact, developments in Modern Theoretical Physics, would argue with many so-called Anthropological "Facts."  For example the effects of electromagnetic fields on the results of "carbon dating," as well as our lack of comprehension of the concept of Time and the Time/Space Continuum itself.  Yes - I Know "Fancy Words," but the Reality is that God has created this Universe, and this is WHY it is a Mystery to us.

However, although it was an interesting discussion, about The Gap Theory, Creation, and Science, we decided to leave this speculation of Berashiet to future investigations, with the hopes of possible future Revelation.  As we proceed further into His Word, we believe that the answers to our most complex questions are right there in front of us, we just need to keep looking.  We have come this far, in Trusting Him, therefore my Faith tells me that He will reveal these Mysteries as we continue to seek Him.  We must wrestle with Him, in order to obtain that title of "Israel."  - We must be "Born Again."

Just think, ALL THIS, extracted from only the first Word of The Bible.  Are you beginning to see how, within the Shadows of Hebrew, there is a lot more hidden within, than what we originally thought?  These Shadows help us find the missing pieces to this incredible puzzle.

Regardless of what you take away from this Study and Discussion, all I can say is that the more I study His Word, the more I become EXCITED about His Word, and My Walking (Dynamic) Relationship with The Living God - YHVH!

Stay Tuned...  In the upcoming Blog entry, we are going to move onto Genesis 1 verse 2!

Blessings in Messiah.

Don Daniel Henriquez De La Fuente

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