The Shadows of Hebrew

Shalom Haverim,

Let me begin this entry with an apology.  I have not kept up my Blogging, as I had intended to after my departure from Haverim Mashiach.  This is not because I have not continued my studies, in fact I have increased the intensity of my studies since.  The problem is that, due to the focus on Study and Midrash, I've not taken the time to actually document our findings on my Blog.

Therefore, over the next few entries in my Blog, I'm going to play catch-up and highlight some of the profound "Foundational" discoveries that we have made.  I call these discoveries "Foundational," because although they appear insignificant at first, their initial premise establishes paradigms that effect our entire understanding of The Scriptures moving forward.

You see, when navigating a course to a specific destination, we must make sure that our initial coordinates are correct, because if incorrect from the beginning of our journey, each step that we take will only bring us further and further away from our intended destination.  Therefore, as a Navigator of a Ship continually checks his coordinates across the Ocean, we too must do so when Navigating through The Word of God.

We began our journey into the Triennial Cycle, this past Simcha Torah, and WHAT an experience it has been?!  The Triennial Cycle breaks the Parashot into shorter readings over a 3 year period, apposed to the Traditional Parashot readings over a 1 year cycle.  This means that the readings are shorter, but looked at in much greater detail.  Each week, we searched deeper into the Hebrew Understanding, looking at the construct of the Hebrew Words, The Root Concepts of the Words, and sometimes even into their Gematria (Mathematical) Values.

In this short time, I have become even more familiar with the common words of Hebrew (And, Will, To, Go, Sent...), and the context in which they are used - repetitively.  Meaning that, I am learning Hebrew FROM the Study itself.  I entered this process with a basic understanding of Hebrew, but the more I Study, the more I become intimate with The Word of God, and when I write, "The Word of God," I am referring to IT within the context of the Original Language in which it was written.

This is important to understand; Hebrew Thought is essential to understanding Scripture.  There are Understandings within the Hebrew that the Translations leave out, because the basic concepts simply do not Translate into English Thought.  Therefore, be conformed to "The Word of God."

Now when I study, and come across the "Stand Out" Words (The not so common), I have more time to spend digging deeper into their root intents, and find hidden mysteries within The Shadows of Hebrew.  It is like reading the Bible for the 1st time, ALL Over Again!  However, instead of being more confused by what is meant in what we are reading, we are actually finding the Answers!  In fact, my term for "Eureka!" has become, "OH - So THAT's what Yeshua meant, when He said..."  The more we Study Torah this way, the more we become aware that Yeshua wasn't teaching us something "New," but rather bringing us back to what we should have understood all along.  After all, HE did tell us this already, THROUGH THE TORAH!

Haverim, we need to Think in Hebrew in order to Understand The Word, not only the so-called "Old Testament," but the Written, "New Testament," as well.  So often, our Translations just do not capture the essence ("The Spirit") of The Word.  This is the purpose of Hebrew, it's like a preservative when it comes to "Conceptual Communication."  When we ONLY read in English, we lose so much of the riches, hidden within the Shadows of Hebrew!  We need to understand these subtle, but paramount understandings, because they effect our Theology and HOW we understand The Word of God in its entirety. 

Like anything in life, when you take it slower and look closer, you see things that have been there all along, but you didn't notice, because you were just moving too fast.  Therefore, take the time, and become "Intimate" with His Word.

I compare this to "The Blessing," of when your car breaks down.  You may  have traveled that stretch of road for years, but now that you have car trouble, you are forced to walk the road...  In the process, you see things along the road that you have never seen before, although they were always there, right in front of you.  You were just going too fast to really notice.

This has been our experience with the Triennial Cycle.

In this entry, I'm going to begin with a recap on our Study Techniques, and then you will begin to understand better, HOW we have come to the understandings that we have.

As per our normal Midrash Study, when reading the portion, we look for clues within the context.  Clues are concepts or words used, that stand out and, make you go, "Why does it say that," or "Why does it say it THAT way?"

As we look at the verses, we turn to our Interlinear Bibles.  (Most of us use Online Biblos - ,and others use Blue Letter, or whatever Interlinear you chose) Then, as we see the Hebrew Words used within the sentence, we now have the tools needed to look at the Hebrew more closely, as we go.  After you become more familiar with the Words, you can read in the translation, and spot the "Stand Out" Words, and then switch over to your Interlinear for deeper study.

Now, just because a Word is translated to mean "What it says in your translation," does not mean that the translation is capturing the essence of the Writer's intent.  The Word in English may be the CLOSEST concept within our language that depicts the Hebrew, but remember, the Hebrew is the Master in this case, and the English is the Student.  Therefore, the English is only a sign pointing us to the destination, but it is not the destination itself.  Which is to say, we need to wrap our mind around the fact that we have to stop thinking that "Shalom" means "Peace," in Hebrew, but rather that "Shalom," means "Shalom," and we need to understand what Shalom "Really" means in Hebrew Thought.

Also, we must begin to understand that although the Word being examined in your present study, may have meant "Said Meaning" in a previous verse reference, does not necessarily mean that it is being used in the same intent within the present application.  Words are always subject to context and tone.  We cannot take this Word Matrix Understanding for granted.  Keep in mind, it has been these assumptions that have lead us SO FAR (Theologically) off course in the first place.  Therefore, let's use the Word of God, in its original intent, to guide us back on course.  You will be AMAZED how this will help you understand WHY Yeshua said what He said, and better... What He was REALLY saying!

In our study process, we do not take for granted that the Translator's choice in English best captures the essence of the intent.  (No matter HOW "Authorized" the Version).  I'm not saying that the Translations are "Wrong," I'm simply stating that we MUST use the Hebrew to verify the intent.  Hebrew is the authenticator, even for The Greek within the written "New Testament." Although we look to The Greek to understand better, the "New Testament," even this is subject to the original Hebrew intent.  Just as I am using English now to discuss this topic, so too did the Hebrew Thinkers and Writers of  "The New Testament," use Greek in their Day.  All the same, they were "Thinking" within the context of Hebrew Thought.

What I am trying to get across is that everything is subject to the original intent, encapsulated within Hebrew Thought, even if another common vernacular is used to convey that Understanding. (I'll explain this further in an upcoming Blog entry)

As we try to understand WHAT the Translators were thinking, when they were translating the Scriptures, we realize that they would have been working with a "Translation Matrix."  This means that, since this Word means "X" in a previous verse, it must mean the same thing in another application...  Otherwise they would be accused of "Interpreting" rather than "Translating."  The problem with Hebrew is that it doesn't follow those rules.  Contextual application is required, but once you do this, you have now inserted your Theological Bias into the interpretation.

What do we do?  How do we know that we have "The Right Translation?"  You do!  It's Written in Hebrew.  The original Hebrew has preserved the initial intent for 1000's of Years.  The Dead Sea Scrolls demonstrated to us that the Ancient Hebrew is still in tact, as it has been for 1000's of Years, regardless of the short comings of the Translations.  This is WHY we must look to the Hebrew for Authentication, and this is WHY - YOU - The Student, must look to the Hebrew and be a part of the interpretation process.

YHVH wants a Relationship with YOU - NOT just the one that is Translating for you.  Come, and ask The Ruach HaKodesh to teach you, as He is teaching us.  It's an AMAZING Journey!

Let me give you an example of how English can, and has confused the Hebrew in the translations.

Let's take the word "Qana" for example.  The Word "Jealous" and "Zealous" are the same Word in Hebrew ("Qana"), but we know that they have different meanings in English.  Jealousy carries a connotation of "Covetous," whereas Zeal carries the premise of  "A Passion for."  In English, one carries a somewhat negative connotation, and the other a more positive intent.  However in Hebrew, it's the same WORD!

How do you "translate" using a Matrix Translaton?  You can't...  It has to be applied within context - "Interpretation."  Otherwise this would mean that God is "Covetous" for us...  That just doesn't make sense...  Or would it be better translated as God has a "Passion" for us?  What is not His, that He should be found "Wanting?"  Therefore, Man can be Jealous, but God is Zealous - Same Word in Hebrew.  It is up to the Reader to apply this understanding, but these specifiers can be found within the root concepts of Hebrew.  We just need to know how to look for them.  Once again, "Qana" is not "Jealous" in Hebrew...  Qana is Qana, and we need to find out what it REALLY means.

Therefore, it is our objective to look at the "root" meaning of the word to capture it's conceptual origin or essence ("The Spirit of the Word").  How do we do that?  Let's have a look at the process.

Keep in mind that Ancient Hebrew did not apply the same complex grammatical systems that we use to understand language today.  Although this idea may appear archaic at first, once you understand the Pictorial/Mathematical application of the Ancient Language, you will begin to see that the process is even more refined on a different level of understanding - Raw and Pure.

When I say "different," I don't necessarily mean more "Complex," just more Pure in the essence of Understating -Simple.

Meaning that, you don't have to have a PhD in Archeology, or necessarily be fluent in Ancient Hebrew, to grasp the fundamental understanding of WHAT is being said.  This is the beauty of Hebrew.  The Words draw you a "Picture," quite literally!

Foundational Rule: YHVH never intended for our quest to develop a personal relationship with Him, through His Word, to be so complicated.  Ultimately, Hebrew is meant to be understood by the mind of the simple.  "Suffer the 'Children' to come unto me.  For such is the Kingdom of Heaven."  It is our over-complication of matters in Theology, that has made this process of Study, "Torach!" (A very unique Hebrew Word meaning, "Burden" or "Hindrance.")  Let us stop complicating this, and just look at what The Word of God says.

WHAT you will need to do is "Think"...  Apply what you do have and work with it, but most importantly, Learn to THINK in Hebrew...  Don't Worry, you don't need to know Hebrew to begin to "Think in Hebrew."  Hebrew is not only a language, it is also A Way of Thinking. 

How do you learn to Think in Hebrew?  Ironically, Hebrew itself, will teach you how to Think in Hebrew.

This is the thing...  This type of Study will teach you HOW, AS you study.  The best part is that the process just comes naturally, as you study the Words.  The Ancient Hebrew Letters (Word Pictures) make up Hebrew Words.  Hebrew Words are Alpha-Numeric equations that spell out, or draw pictures of concepts.  These Word Pictures are what define that which makes up a Hebrew Thought.  I'm not talking about Religion.  I'm not even talking about "Jewish Thought," nor am I implying that one must be "Hebrew" to Understand.  I'm simply referring to Understanding Ancient Semitic Hebrew.  This is the Language that God Chose, and with reason.

Now, as you use a tool like Biblos, you will see a Word that intrigues you.  Click on the Strong's Numeric Reference Link (Just above the Word - Highlighted in Blue.)  This will give you a Strong's Reference Page about the Word that you are about to Study.  The next page that comes up will give you the Hebrew Word Transliterated, so that you will know how to pronounce it, along with the actual Hebrew Spelling.  You will also notice, just a little further down the page, the English Translation which is directly related to the verse in question.

This is what I call, "The Matrix Translation."  This Translation should coincide directly with the Number of the Word that you clicked on within the verse itself.  This means that it is the simple translation of the word, based upon a referenced use.  Again, "Assuming" that the Word carries the same root meaning, regardless of context.  For example: "It meant THIS in a previous verse, therefore THIS is what it means..."  Maybe, but we should not assume this as fact, without checking.  (*It has been in our experience, that this is not always the case, as I will demonstrate with the Word "Paqad" towards the end of this entry.*)

How do we check this?  This is what is the most time consuming about this type of Midrashic Study.  We look at the definition further down the Biblos/Strong's Page.  In this process you will notice that the Word is not as simple as they first implied.  Meaning that it can have various meanings, depending on the application.

You will notice (in most cases)  a "Root" or "Word Origin," Link supplied, which is another Hebrew Word related to the Word that you are looking into.  If you click on it, it will take you to the root concept, as well as, other variances of that root concept.  In fact, it will give you an account of ALL the times that a variance of this Word is used within Scripture.  I suggest that you look at at least a few of the uses, to help calibrate the possible meanings of the Word in question.  I call this part "The Triangulation Process."

By taking this information, we try to find a triangulation of concepts.  Meaning a "Common Denominator" of those multiple meanings, hence drilling down to a foundational primary concept.  This primary concept, when reapplied within the context of the sentence, leads you to a very simple, yet more accurate understanding of the intent of the Ancient Writer.  Now you are starting to THINK in Hebrew Thought, because the Hebrew Intent is telling you what it means, rather than what "Theology," says it means.

Starting to make sense?

As mentioned earlier, this can be time consuming, because sometimes the root concepts are very different in application.  For example; The Word "Laughter" (Tzachak) and "Pride" (Shachats) are very different, but they are connected in root meanings.  Therefore, you will have to think it through, and find a way that these two words can apply to one primary concept.  What Word or Concept binds them to have a similar meaning?  This can be work, but the reward is PRICELESS! 

It is this Triangulation of Hebrew Concepts that leads your mind to begin to Think in Hebrew.  Meaning that, your mind is being conformed to think in the root concepts of the original language.  Soon, you will find yourself THINKING in this way all the time, allowing the Hebrew to be the guide in how you perceive the Scriptures...  Even those found in the Written "New Testament!"  -- "So THAT's what Yeshua meant, when He said..."

Just to give you an example of this process, the question is HOW is "Laughter" and "Pride" conceptually connected?  This is subjective to the Student, but don't be shy, let's give it a go...  Try to find a similar concept that fits both.  (*See Genesis 18:12*)

In my Midrash on this situation I proposed; "It could have possibly meant, 'Nervous Laughter?'"  I suggested that "Sarah laughed, because she was nervous, when YHVH proclaimed that she was going to bare a child."  My reasoning on this situation is that Sarah's "Pride" allowed her to perceive herself in such a way, that it was "Silly" to think that she could (would have to) go through the whole process of Child Birth.  "At my Age?  Are you kidding me?"  It wasn't the Laugh itself that YHVH was calling her on.  It was the Pride behind the Laugh.  This idea becomes much more apparent within the context of Isaac's Birth (Genesis 21), in HOW Sarah responds to the event, and WHY his name is significant to this whole situation.  You will notice in Genesis 21 that Sarah "Laughs" at herself, once the "Paqad" (Fulfillment) had come.  It was laughter without pride = "True Joy."

Without knowing this "Root" connection within the Shadows of the Hebrew, this Understanding would go on overlooked, if only read in a translated version.  The lesson truly is: "Nothing is to difficult for The LORD, if we will let go of our pride, and believe His Word."  Then we can truly experience the Joy of His Fulfillment!  Therefore the lesson of this Word Concept is; "Do not allow Pride to obstruct your Faith!"

The previous example was only working with two words.  Now, try coordinating the unity of 3 or 4 different meanings, all unrelated within the English concepts!  This makes the Triangulation Process very difficult to come up with a solution word that ties them all together, within your own mind.  On top of that, there may not even be an English equivalent, which means that you will have to use other methods within Hebrew to connect the dots.  (I'll explain those "other methods" a little further on.)

But Now - You have a Key - To at least get you started.  As you have just witnessed in the process of triangulating the concepts, you are one step closer.  Give it a try!

This process demonstrates what the Root Concept means, and therefore, you are now beginning to Think in Hebrew.  As time passes, and this process is applied and reapplied, eventually you will begin to see in Hebrew.  In fact, once you begin to read the Written "New Testament" again, you will begin to see the Hebrew Concepts embedded within the Gospels, Epistles, and Revelation, and come to that "Eureka" moment declaring, "Oh, THAT's what Yeshua meant when He said..." (Or Peter, or Paul, or John)

Was this Word, The Word of God, written in this Ancient Language...  Just BECAUSE?  Or did God "Choose" this Language, because it, in and of itself, is a concept preservative?  Meaning that, as much as the Theologians of History have manipulated and changed the words too mean what they want them to mean, to align with THEIR Theology, ultimately the Original Intent is preserved within The Hebrew itself.  We just need to learn how to extract that meaning, by applying these very basic and simple study techniques.

Now, let's say you have "A Solution," a Theory on a Common Concept that links this word to all possible applications that you are aware of...  or as previously mentioned, you can't find an English equivalent, how do you check your work?

This is where the Pictorial Hebrew comes into play.  Pictorial Hebrew is based on the Ancient Paleo-Hebrew Word Pictures.  The Ancient Letters were not only letters, as we understand them today, but they were actual pictures, drawing out a concept for the reader to understand.  (Ex: Aleph (A)  is an Ox or Bull - Bet (B) is a House, and so on...)  It's just like when you walk into an Elementary School Class Room, and there are pictures all along the wall - A is for Apple - B is for Ball...  You get the picture?

You can find a Hebrew Word Picture chart online by Googling "Hebrew Word Pictures."

This chart will give you a very basic understanding of what each Character of the Hebrew Alphabet depicts, as well as, a very basic understanding of the concept behind the picture.  (Ex: Aleph is "Strength," and Dalet is "The Path to Enter.")

As you work out the equation of the Picture Story, applying this to your previously concluded "Common Denominator," from the Triangulation Process, you will see if the root concepts line up.  If not, at least this technique, added to the previous process, will give you one more level to triangulate.  Now you can combine the Word Picture concept results with the results of your triangulation solution, and your definition becomes even more refined.  Do you see how this works?  Keep drilling!

I can assure you, from my research, that the original translators did not implement this technique, hence the use of words in English that are not even CLOSE to the Hebrew intent.  In fact, we've found words which I will share in my next Blog entry, that will demonstrate just this.  The sad thing is that this shotty translating blinds the reader from the greater message hidden within The Hebrew.  There is a whole other World of Understanding in there, untapped!  Then again, giving the translators the benefit of the doubt, if they did this work for you, then you would miss out on this incredible experience of discovering the mysteries that The LORD has left hidden for you.  Therefore, put on your explorer hat, and Let's Go!

Keep in mind, this process of studying the Word Pictures, can be just as time consuming, if not more so, because there is no real answer, other than how it relates to the primary word concept.  Meaning, the concept only forms as it fits into the word that you are working with.  However, when the Hebrew Word Picture forms in alignment with your Word Study, the discoveries are "Goose Pimply" Amazing!

I'll use Frank Seekins' (Author of the book, "Hebrew Word Pictures") initial discovery as my example.  Frank took the Ancient Paleo Hebrew Word Picture for the word, "Torah," and explained it in the concept of a Hebrew Word Picture...  "Tav-Vav-Resh-Hey" - These characters form a Picture that says, "The Covenant - The Nail - The Man - Behold."  Meaning, the very word "Torah," instructs us to look at The Man Nailed to The Covenant, which to some appears to look like "A Cross," but in truth, the Paleo appears more like an "X."  Regardless of this perception, the Tav refers to "A Covenant," either way.

I use this example, because of the impacting implications that it creates, but take note, that the Paleo Word Pictures are not going to be this simple and impacting for every word.  It's not as simple as, "Oh 'Abba' (Father) means 'The Bull is in the House and the House is in the Bull.'"  There's a little more work in calibrating the Hebrew Word Pictures, but remember it is your job, as the Student, to try to align this with your previous work on the Word in question.

Now, a more recent Word that I was working on comes from Genesis 21:1 - "Paqad."  It is used to describe "YHVH's "Visit" (Fulfilment) of His promise to Sarah..."  The Word is spelt "Pey - Kof - Dalet" = "The Mouth's - Back- Door."  Working this through, I saw the image of something coming back up.  The throat is the Mouth's "Back Door" - "Regurgitation?"  - "Coming Back to 'Fulfil' the Promise."  It may be a stretch, but that's the Good and the Bad of Paleo interpretation.  It simply provides you with just another plotting mark in the deeper triangulation process.

Most importantly, remember that this is just another tool in the secondary triangulation process, and should not be used to attempt to draw theological conclusion from it, as a stand alone process.  Just as the next step is just a tool, Gematria should not be used as a stand alone process.

What is Gematria?

If you were not aware, Hebrew is an Alpha-Numeric Language, which means that each of the Hebrew Characters are not only letters, but numbers too.  Therefore, each word has a Mathematical value.  If you add up the letters within the Word, they will come to a Numeric Value, which can either spell a new word that connects the concepts, or you can look to other words of equal value within the Gematria Charts.  These individual numeric values of each letter can be found within the same chart as the Hebrew Word Pictures.

Now, if you really want to dig deep, and I say this with some caution, because applying Gematria, within some Religious Circles, can be interpreted as "Numerology."  This is not the same thing as "Occult Numerology," which is used to apply a Mystical Value to a Word or Concept.

Gematria is simply looking for the Mathematical Common Value, of other words equalling the same numeric value of the Word that you are researching.  God's Universe is built upon Mathematics, and so is His Word.  The objective is to see if there is anything else that helps establish the original (Hebrew) meaning of the Word.  You can find Gematria Word Charts online by Googling this as well.

Here's and example: The Word "Paqad" - "Fulfilled" = 80 + 100 + 4 = 184 ( (1)Aleph (8)Chet (4)Dalet) = "Echad" - Meaning "One - Unified."  This tells me that a Promise, once "Fulfilled" creates Unity or Wholeness.  It also emboldens the Trust/Faith in the One who made The Promise.  Study Ref: See Genesis 21:1)

In the previous example, the Word "Fulfilled" was not used in any of our Translations... Some = "Took," some "Remembered" and some "Visited."  However, after applying this study technique, the Word "Fulfilled" appeared best to capture the essence of the intent.  This understanding could not be achieved by a Translation Matrix - It needed to be Worked Out within the process of Midrash.  This is Work, but this is intimacy!

Now, what I have just described within these study techniques is dimensions within dimensions, concepts within concepts, that help triangulate the idea into a Hebrew Concept, rather than a "Theological Assumption."

God's Universe has been design with the very premise of Triangles within Triangles, and Circles within Circles, all related to a 360 degree conclusion.  We learn this concept early on in Geometry, where we bisect each line of a Triangle to find the pinpoint center of the Triangle.  This is how GPS Satellite Technology Works, and there is nothing NEW under the Sun.  Therefore, as we learn how to break down, line by line, precept upon precept, we will begin to see The Word of God in a very different way.  We will begin to see and think in Hebrew Thought.

Hidden within The Shadows of Hebrew, are the Mysteries of the Bible.

(Stay Tuned - I will be releasing the 1st of the Highlights of our Studies in the next Entry)


Don Daniel Henriquez De La Fuente

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